Here at Retrodex, we are big VR nuts. As proud owners of a Valve Index any opportunity to get the big play-space in the workshop and bust out some Beat Saber, or Boneworks is always welcome. Failing that, some Pavlov is always fun!
Slight issue, its scorching hot as I write this, so the workshop isn’t really an option with temperatures inside hitting over 40 degrees in real units, (C), so what to do?
Enter the Oculus Quest 2! This standalone unit has a secret hidden feature using the Virtual Desktop app that allows wireless PCVR from your rig, without the drawbacks of Oculus Link. Admittedly it costs a whopping £14.99, but when you set everything up right… OH BOY IS IT GOOD!
WARNING: The quest is never going to match the Index in terms of fidelity, but its bloody close and being fully wireless is an amazing experience!
Now you might be in the position we were… you set up your Oculus, you connect VD to your PC… and the quality SUCKS. Don’t panic, here are a few tips that fixed our setup and might help you!
- Ensure Your PC is Connected Via Ethernet
This is the first critical step. Grab some Cat 6, and make sure to connect your PC to your router via a cable. Ethernet connections are normally a minimum of 1Gbps, around 6 times faster than 2.4Ghz Wifi! not only that but the latency is significantly lower, and the connection far more stable. All key points for a vomit free VR experience!
2. Use a High Quality Access Point
This one is personal preference, but in a house with multiple users a necessity! Your standard ISP router is normally designed with the cheapest radio going, and capable of supporting somewhere in the region of 10-15 devices. An access point on the other hand, can reach into the 100s. We at Retrodex are strong supporters of Ubiquiti hardware, and the UAP AC-Lite is a fantastic budget access point with amazing range. Grab one here or drop us a message to discuss installation over your router!
3. Use (or force) 5Ghz Wifi
This one can get a little technical, but is CRITICAL to a good experience. In your router settings, set up a separate 5Ghz SSID, or force the Quest to connect only via 5Ghz. Quest support for 5Ghz bands can be a little spotty so forcing it at the router end is key for consistent streaming. 5Ghz has significantly higher data rates that 2.4Ghz (something like 3 times the transmission rate) and that makes a difference at 90 FPS!
4. Use a Modern Nvidia, or ARC GPU
Yep, you heard me right. GPU choice matters here. When playing at a desk, any of the major brands are excellent for gaming, and VR… but when streaming, NVIDIA is king. Intel is absolutely giving them a run for their money, but in my experience, AMD falls far short for streaming quality. Our gaming PC is a dual VM server in the loft, far away from the desk and TV’s we play at, so streaming is a prime reason for us running a pair of 2070 Super GPUs! As a minimum I would recommend at least a 1660 Super, but 20 series or above is best here.
5. Maintain Line of Sight With Your Router or Access Point.
This one might surprise you. 5Ghz is terrible at penetrating walls, furniture and ceilings. Maintaining line of sight with your radio will ensure you get a full speed connection back to your PC. Your better half might not agree with your hardware being on show, but your eyes (and stomach) will thank you!
And that’s it! Following the above steps should give you an amazing wireless VR experience in any game using the Quest with any PCVR games! Let me in know in the comments if you have any other tips and tricks!
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