Hold on tight, this is going to be the anti-sensational post to counteract the TORRENT of scummy reporting I keep seeing everywhere! All too often I’m seeing articles about “rogue algorithms” or “Google is watching you pee”, and my absolute favourite, “Alexa is watching you sleep!”
Ok that last one actually has some truth in it. But that’s what the physical slider on the camera is for!
First up I want to tackle algorithms. These aren’t the matrix screen full of code they are made out to be. They are simple statements that form a bigger picture, for example;
“A car is travelling at 30mph towards a roundabout 300m away. 150m away from the roundabout the cars speed slows to 10mph and remains there until after the roundabout.”
Now, if we observe this across… let’s say 20 cars. We could infer that there might be a traffic jam before a roundabout? This is an algorithm. A simple, mathematical equation we can plug into a computer program to decide a result. Such a C# script might look like this, (And yes, this is a fake representation, not a real script!)
Void isThereAJam (){
float carSpeed = 30f;
if (float currentCarSpeed != carSpeed && distanceToRoundabout >= 50m){
int carsJamed += 1;
if (nextCarSpeed > cardSpeed){
in carsJamed -= 1;
if (carsJamed > 2){
bool jamHappening = true;
Suddenly looks a bit scarier right? This is exactly the same as the statement above, but written in such a way that a computer can process it and make a decision. Rouge algorithms are just poor programming by people. Computers, only do what they are told!
Photo by Alex Knight on Pexels.com
So, now we are armed with that information, where does that fit into tracking and privacy? A lot of stink is made over XYZ company is tracking my data! So has every mobile phone, computer, employer. Data is vital for the modern world to function. Effective use of this data, and more importantly… ethical use of this data is extremely important. Take the algorithm above, here your location data from your phone, or your cars infotainment, can be used en-masse to provide an instant, accurate traffic map to distribute to all, to help manage traffic and provide route avoidance. It can help local authorities identify accidents or incidents. It can even redirect emergency services to get them to an incident in the fastest possible time, therefore saving lives. Did you know the 112 emergency service across Europe can use location data to pin-point your call?
Of course not all actors are beneficial, and being careful on the internet is important. As you use website, and services, certain usage data is always being collected and can build a picture about you. Google openly tell you what data they have at My Ad Centre (google.com). They use this data to target your search results, and provide you with targeted adverts to better serve their customers. For example, I search ram and Crucial pops up, a farmer… would see a male sheep!
Of course these are based on your search habits, and if you’re on Android, the usage of your phone. Where the caution comes in is that information you willingly give. Phone numbers, E-mail addresses, names and relationships are all information that should be protected, like wearing an extra jacket or hat outside the house. Personal protection is important, but likewise going completely dark means sacrificing the benefits.
Using reputable, big name sites, or not handing over this information when requested is a big step to protecting yourself on the internet. While everything is recoverable, your time isn’t. Identity theft is a hassle for the victim, and easily preventable online with a little bit of scrutiny.
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
But, don’t let the sensationalism of the modern web scare, or worry you. Take the opportunity to learn, to expand knowledge and most importantly, seek sage advice from you local repair shop, PC reseller, or tech enthusiasts like Gamers Nexus, ServeTheHome or Level1Techs. These creators alone have fostered wide ranging communities of helpful and knowledgeable individuals with a wide range of security and usage tips!
So there you have it. Using the internet is just like stepping out of your front door. Anyone can instantly see you, how tall you are, your hair colour, rough estimation of your age… but that tattoo of Donald Duck on your left butt cheek? Well that’s something you would have to willingly let actors on the internet know!
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